The minimum tonic value must be less than the maximum tonic value!
This copy of Clarion has expired. Please visit the Red Sweater Software homepage at
This alert means something very bad happened. Please e-mail to and explain the circumstances of this alert.
You appear to be missing the QuickTime Musical Instruments file. The number of music instruments available may be limited.
Internet Config reported an error. Your internet connection may be faulty, or you may need to configure your settings in Internet Config before this feature will work properly.
A low memory situation has prevented the action you requested from being carried out.
The sound volume is currently set to zero. You should turn the volume up so you can hear the noises this program will make.
This program has not been tested on systems prior to Mac OS 8.1. Running this program on earlier systems will probably cause a crash. That said, if you wish to put your system at risk, removing the ‘safe’ resource from this file will allow it to run.
You must specify a name for the scale.
You did not specify any intervals. Empty scales are not very useful.
Failed to open the preferences file. Any changes will not be preserved.
The action failed because QuickTime could not allocate a note channel.
You have not defined any custom scales.
Something is very wrong. Clarion must quit now.
Something bizarre happened with QuickTime Music Architecture. If everything still works, don't worry about it. Otherwise, you may need to reinstall QuickTime.
This application appears to be corrupt. You should reinstall a fresh copy.